James Bickerton
Intérêts de recherche
Fédéralisme, régionalisme et nationalisme au Canada, développement régional, et politique dans les provinces atlantiques canadiennes.
Formation académique
Ph.D., Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1987.
M.A., Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1980.
B.A., Honours in Political Science, Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1976.
- St. Francis Xavier University, Department of Political Science Professor (1998 – ), Associate Professor (1991- 97), Assistant Professor (1984-90) Courses : Introduction to Politics, Canadian Government, Problems in Canadian Politics, Federalism, Parties and Elections, Citizenship and Identity, Politics of Regionalism, Atlantic Canada, Introduction to International Development : Canada.
- Dalhousie University, Department of Political Science Adjunct Professor
- McGill University, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada Eakin Fellow in Canadian Studies, 2010
- University of Victoria, Department of Political Science Visiting Scholar, 2006
- Canadian Politics, Fifth Edition (Toronto : UTP Higher Education, 2009) co-edited with A. Gagnon
- Freedom, Equality, Community : The Political Philosophy of Six Influential Canadians (Montreal : McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006) co-authored with S. Brooks and A. Gagnon
- Canadian Politics, Fourth Edition (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 2004) co-edited with A. Gagnon
- Six penseurs en quête de liberté, d’égalité et de communauté : Grant, Innis, Laurendeau, Rioux, Taylor et Trudeau (Quebec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2003) co-authored with S. Brooks and A. Gagnon
- Filiations et affiliations : partis politiques et comportement électoral au Canada (Montreal : Boreal Press, 2002) co-authored with A.G. Gagnon and P. Smith
- The Savage Years : The Perils of Reinventing Government in Nova Scotia (Halifax : Formac Publishing, 2000) co-authored with P. Clancy, R. Haddow, and I. Stewart Ties That Bind : Parties and Voters in Canada (Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1999) co-authored with A.G. Gagnon and P. Smith
- Canadian Politics, Third Edition (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 1999) co-edited with A. Gagnon
- L’Almanach Politique Du Quebec (Montreal : Quebec/Amerique, 1997) co-authored with A. Gagnon, M. Eagles and P. Smith
- The Almanac of Canadian Politics, Second Edition (Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1995) coauthored with M. Eagles, A. Gagnon and P. Smith Canadian Politics, Second Edition (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 1994) co-edited with A. Gagnon
- The Almanac of Canadian Politics : Federal Constituencies and the 1988 General Election (Peterborough, Ont : Broadview Press, 1991) co-authored with M. Eagles, A. Gagnon, & P. Smith
- Canadian Politics : An Introduction to the Discipline (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 1990) coedited with A. Gagnon
- Nova Scotia, Ottawa, and the Politics of Regional Development (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1990)
Articles et chapitres de livres
- “The New Federalism and Atlantic Canada” in J. Reid and D. Savoie, eds. Shaping an Agenda for Atlantic Canada (Halifax : Fernwood Press, forthcoming).
- “Seeking New Autonomies : Rescaling, Reterritorialization, and Minority Identities in Atlantic Canada” in M. Keating and A.G. Gagnon, eds.
- Autonomy : Imagining Democratic Alternatives in Complex Settings (London : Palgrave, forthcoming)
- “Janus Faces, Rocks, and Hard Places : Majority Nationalism in Canada” in A.-G. Gagnon, A. Lecours, and G. Nootens, eds. Contemporary Majority Nationalism (Montreal : McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011), 144-180.
- “Regions” in Danielle Caramani, ed. Comparative Politics Second Edition (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011), 275-291 (with Alain Gagnon).
- “Deconstructing the New Federalism” Canadian Political Science Review 4:2-3 (2010), 56-72.
- “Political Parties and Democracy in Canada : Regional Fragmentation, Institutional Inertia, and Democratic Deficit” in Kay Lawson and Jorge Lanzaro, eds. Political Parties and Democracy : Volume 1 : The Americas (Praeger, 2010), 3-26.
- “Regions and Regionalism” in James Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Politics Fifth Edition (Toronto : UTP Higher Education, 2009), 71-96 (with Alain Gagnon).
- “Equalization, Regional Development and Political Trust : The Section 36/Atlantic Accords Controversy” Constitutional Forum 17:3 (2008), 99-111.
- “Regions” in Danielle Caramani, ed. Comparative Politics (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008), 367-391 (with Alain Gagnon).
- “Visiting Grandchildren : A Review Essay”, Acadiensis, XXXVI, 2 (Spring, 2007), 134-141.
- “La question du nationalisme majoritaire au Canada” in A.-G. Gagnon, André Lecours, Geneviève Nootens, eds. Les Nationalismes majoritaires contemporains : identité, mémoire, pouvoir (Montréal : Québec Amérique, 2007), 217-270.
- “The Case of Canada” in OECD, Linking Regions and Central Governments : Contracts for Regional Development (Paris : OECD, 2007), 171-196.
- “Models of Development for Atlantic Canada” in S. Hodgett, D. Johnson, and S. Royle, eds. Doing Development Differently : Regional Development on the Atlantic Periphery (Sydney : Cape Breton University Press, 2007), 42-71 (with Teresa MacNeil).
- “Between Integration and Fragmentation : Political Parties and the Representation of Regions” in A.B. Tanguay and A.-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Parties in Transition Third Edition (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 2007), 411-435.
- “Political Parties and Electoral Politics” in James Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Politics Fourth Edition (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 2004), 239-262 (with A. Gagnon).
- “Our Place in Canada : Realistic and Restrained, But Lured into Folly by the Seduction of Oil” Journal of Newfoundland Studies, vol.18, no.2 (Fall, 2002), 290-298.
- “Nova Scotia : The Political Economy of Regime Change” in K. Brownsey and M. Howlett, eds. The Provincial State in Canada : Politics in Canada’s Provinces and Territories (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 2001), 49-74.
- “The Politics of Limited Change” Policy Options vol.21, no.1 (Jan-Feb. 2000), 27-30.
- “Reforming Health Care Governance : The Case of Nova Scotia” Journal of Canadian Studies vol.34, no. 2 (Summer, 1999), 159-190.
- “Too Long in Exile : Harold Innis and Maritime Political Economy” in Charles Acland and William Buxton, eds. Harold Innis In The New Century : Reflections and Refractions (Montreal : McGillQueen’s University Press, 1999), 225-239.
- “Regionalism in Canada” in James Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Politics, Third Edition (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 1999), 209-238.
- “Federal Regional Development Policies and Atlantic Canada’s Islands” in G. Baldacchino and R. Greenwood, eds. Competing Strategies of Socio-Economic Development for Small Islands (Charlottetown, PEI : Institute for Island Studies, 1998), 238-267.
- “Crime et Chatiment : Le Parti Progressiste-Conservateur du Canada entre 1984 et 1993″ Politique et societes volume 16, no.2 (Fall, 1997), 117-144.
- “The Future of National Political Parties in Canada” in Tom Kent, ed. In Pursuit of the Public Good (Montreal : McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997), 76-79.
- “Atlantic Canada and the CHST” Policy Options volume 17, no. 5 (June, 1996), 18-22.
- “Parties and Regions : Alternative Models of Representation” in A.G. Gagnon and A.B. Tanguay, eds. Canadian Parties in Transition : Discourse, Organization, Representation, Second Edition (Scarborough, Ont. : Nelson, 1995), 496-514.
- “Atlantic Canada : Regime Change in a Dependent Region” in James Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Politics, Second Edition (Peterborough : Broadview Press, 1994), 426-449.
- “The Study of Canadian Politics” in James Bickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Politics, Second Edition (Peterborough, Ont. : Broadview Press, 1994), 9-38.
- “Regional Development Policy and Labour Markets in Atlantic Canada” in A. Johnson, S. McBride, and P. Smith, eds. Continuities and Discontinuities : Social Welfare and Labour Market Policies in Canada (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1994), 235-252.
- “Alternative Futures : Region, Nation, and Constitutional Change” in J. McCroirie and M. MacDonald, eds. The Constitutional Future of the Atlantic and Prairie Regions (Regina : Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1992), 273-294.
- “Waiting for the Future : Atlantic Canada After Meech Lake”, in Frances Abele, ed. How Ottawa Spends, 1991-92 (Ottawa : Carleton University Press, 1991), 127-156.
- “Atlantic Canada : The Creation of a Region” in Alain-G. Gagnon and James Bickerton, eds. Canadian Politics : An Introduction to the Discipline (Peterborough, Ont. : Broadview Press, 1990), 325-44.
- “Introduction” in Alain-G. Gagnon and James Bickerton, eds. Canadian Politics : An Introduction to the Discipline (Peterborough, Ont. : Broadview Press, 1990), 1-13 (with A.G. Gagnon).
- “Atlantic Canada : The Dynamics of Dependence in a Federal System” in M. Burgess, ed. Canadian Federalism : Past, Present and Future (Leicester : Leicester University Press, 1990), 120-144.
- “The Party System and the Representation of Periphery Interests : The Case of the Maritimes”, in A. Gagnon and B. Tanguay, eds. Canadian Parties in Transition : Discourse, Organization and Representation (Scarborough, Ont. : Nelson, 1989), 461-84.
- “Free Trade and Canadian Federalism : The Maritimes”, in C. Deblock and M. Couture, eds. Un marche, deux societes : Libre-echange et autonomie politique (Montreal : L’ACFAS, 1987), 168-77.
- “Regional Policy in Historical Perspective : The Federal Role in Regional Economic Development”, American Review of Canadian Studies, XIV, 1 (Spring, 1984), 72-92.
- “Underdevelopment and Social Movements in Atlantic Canada : A Critique”, Studies in Political Economy 9 (Fall, 1982), 191-202.