The Conditions of diversity in multinational democracies
Alain-G. Gagnon, Montserrat Guibernau and François Rocher (ed.)
Montreal, IRPP, 2003.
The Conditions of Diversity in Multinational Democracies studies the many dimensions of diversity in multinational settings. The contributions, from leading experts from Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada, consider the theoretical, institutional, and legal conditions for the development of nations that exist within the boundaries of larger political institutions. They examine how various political regimes manage multiple demands for recognition and how their respective approaches toward diversity affect the stability of the state.
The contributors include Alain-G. Gagnon, Montserrat Guibernau, Michael Keating, Peter A. Kraus, André Lecours, John Loughlin, Roderick A. Macdonald, Jocelyn Maclure, David McCrone, Kenneth McRoberts, Luis Moreno, François Rocher, Michel Seymour, Stephen Tierney, and Nadia Verrelli.
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